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Huh, cool, what is this...

This is a website to document the culinary excellence of Gothic King Cobra JFS, a YouTube celebrity known for his eloquent way with words and help with gender relations.

He has a seemingly boundless amount of recipes he has shown in his videos, ranging from alcoholic drinks to slightly edible food, to not so edible food. I couldn't find any resources online that share his recipes, so I decided to make my own.

The alcohol drink combos are for of-age(21 and up) fans and I don't recommend actually eating any of the food that is an outcome of these recipes, but some of it I'm sure will amuse and satiate you in some capacity. Cobra's Mist is somehow actually decent.

How to submit a recipe

You don't have to submit a recipe, but it's greatly appreciated.

Recipes can be submitted through Github.

Shout out to Sneaky_Dingo for the new logo TWU.