Weird Cobra

Weird Cobra
Submitted by: Sneaky_Dingo on Apr 15, 2023 Created on:


  • 750mL Whicked Pickle Spicy Pickle Flavored Whiskey
  • 750mL Devils River Bourbon Whiskey
  • 50ml 99 Bananas Schnapps Mini 99 Proof
  • splash of mountain Dew


First, wait patiently until a fan sends you these alcoholic shooters in a care package. Once the package arrives, grab your finest Jack Skeleton wine glass and let’s get started. Make sure you are always 21+ years of age before continuing.

First, pour the entire Whicked Pickle into your glass. Next, pour the entire Devils River Bourbon Whiskey in. Then, pour the entire Bananas Schnapps into the combo. Finally, add in a splash of Mountain Dew on top to add a layer of flavor to it. Don’t worry if you start dry heaving—that just means the drink combo was a success. Yeah buddy!
